Services described under the Communications area include the benefits CESGA offers through the Science and Technology Network (RECETGA). RECETGA is a high performance infrastructure deployed to provide connectivity services that facilitate the access of Galician institutions to resources provided by research networks worldwide and promote R&D&i collaboration at an international level.

It is worth highlighting the following information regarding these services.
- Connection of the Centre to RECETGA This allows candidate institutions with access connection from their infrastructure to the regional research network, RECETGA, and by extension, to RedIris and GEANT.
- Services through the network These are provided by research networks nowadays and, among those of special interest, are services such as multicast, IPv6 routing, ethernet or IP level virtual private networks between institutions and/or affiliated headquarters, on demand lambdas for projects with high connectivity requirements, access to research networks and/or special projects (PASITO, LHC network), Eduroam, etc.
- Management and monitoring services CESGA, through its Network Operations Centre (NOC) manages the infrastructure and monitors the quality of the network connections of the affiliated centres.
- Who can request these services? There is information available regarding the candidate institutions on each Service Website. As a general rule, services provided by CESGA through RECETGA are addressed to researchers of the Galician universities, CSIC centres, and R&D departments of public or private companies that satisfy the adhesion criteria.
The services included in the present section are part of a global catalogue of services provided in a homogeneous manner by national and international research networks.
Communications Services of the Center of Supercomputación of Galicia
Description of the service
The connectivity service provides affiliated institutions with high performance access to the Science and Technology Network of Galicia (RECETGA). This service will grant the user centre privileged access to resources such as Internet connectivity offered not only at a regional level, but also at national and international levels (RECETGA, RedIris, GEANT, Internet2, Red Clara).
CESGA manages RECETGA and its interconnection to the Spanish Research Network (RedIris NREN). The connectivity service is designed to provide a robust solution to the requirements of the majority of the researchers and teachers providing innovative services that are commonly available on research networks (IPv6, multicast, Eduroam, VPNs, circuits under demand, access to research networks, etc).
CESGA provides IP routing based on IPv4 and IPv6 protocols with “dual-stack” configuration through RECETGA. The connectivity service includes this technology. In order to use it, the institution must have IPv4 and/or IPv6 addressing (its own or provided by CESGA).
In addition, RECETGA’s core network supports Jumbo Frames (MTU of 9000 bytes) as well as multicast traffic distribution.
Two options are available in order to proceed with the connection to RECETGA:
Connect directly to a core node of RECETGA (recommended).
Connect through an existing affiliated institution. In this case, an agreement must be made between the interested parties regarding the use of the infrastructures and traffic in transit.
The candidate institution is responsible for managing their access link from the institution to the nearest RECETGA core node.
Service request
This service is available for institutions that belong to the Galician University System (SUG), CSIC centres, R&D departments of institutions and/or public or private companies, and institutions and/or companies that participate in R&D&i activities with CESGA whenever they satisfy the adhesion criteria.
In order to carry out the service request for connection to the Centre, the interested institution or company must complete an application form and send it to CESGA electronically or via traditional mail.
In order to use the telematic procedure, the applicant must properly complete the New center connection request form (electronic form).
In order to use the traditional mail procedure, please print a hard copy of the New center connection request formorm[Icono PDF], complete it correctly, and send it to the Director of CESGA.
In both cases, please indicate the following information
- Institution/Centre identification
- Institution/Centre activity
- Justification of the need to connect to RECETGA
- Type of connection required (bandwidth or other needs)
Once the application is accepted, CESGA staff will perform the technical connectivity analysis including the possibility and means of connectivity between the geographic location of the soliciting institution and the nearest core node of RECETGA.
The connectivity service is free. The Centre has to to pay the mile connection of the last mile between their Centre and the nearest RECETGA Point of Presence.
Terms of use
In following link the acceptable use policy of RECETGA is described and it is binding for all assigned institutions.
CESGA’s security service (CERT) is dedicated to the detection of problems that affect the security of the RECETGA networks and centres, as well the resolution of security incidents with the Centres and with RedIris when these are national or international.
In the same way, the PERT service assists user centres in the resolution of problems related to network performance with the objective of optimising point to point performance for network users.
Application of the service
This service is available for institutions of the Galician University System (SUG), CSIC Centres, R&D departments of institutions and/or public or private companies that participate with CESGA in R&D&i activities whenever they fulfil the criteria of adhesion.
To request this service fill the Service request form.
To notify of an incident or a security or performance problem, please use the CERT/PERT incident notification form.
This service is free for affiliated centres and institutions.
Terms of use
In the following link, the Terms of accepable use of RECETGA are described.
Service description
The virtual private network service facilitates institutions the possibility to obtain point-to-point or multipoint-multipoint connectivity with capacity ranging from 100Mbps to 10Gbps giving layer 2 visibility among different sites, enabling institutions to link geographically disperse headquarters enabling closer collaboration among distant departments or partners of a project in a transparent way.(*).
The indicated circuits and/or networks provide guaranteed capacity and performance at a very low cost since they benefit from a common infrastructure, although they appear to the user as dedicated networks satisfying their needs.
The technology involved in the deployment of a particular instance of the service depends on the access technologies of the applicant centre and on the requested capacity, therefore it can rely on reserved circuits over MPLS, switched layer 2 ethernet transport, or 10 Gbps lambdas dedicated to a particular experiment or institution.
The geographic scope of the virtual private network is not limited to the Galician borders but it can be extended to the Spanish NREN (National Research Network) and even to other European NRENs, its approval being dependent on the acceptable use policy of the networks and institutions involved. In the case connectivity among sites is required beyond Galician borders, the other organizations and institutions involved are responsible for the creation of the links on behalf of a specific user.
An example of a deployment using this service is the one performed for PASITO’s project, consisting of the deployment of a parallel network to the production network for the development of communication technologies experimentation testbeds. For this particular project, the Spanish regional research networks and the national research network (RedIris) collaborated to link the sites participating in the project (CESGA, University of Vigo, CESCA, I2BASK, Autonomous University of Madrid, etc) located at different geographical points by means of virtual private network service. This research network corresponds to FEDERICA at the European level. Analogous experiences have been accomplished for the interconnection of sites for the realization of joint experiences by means of dedicated circuits as the one for the interconnection of CESGA with the Castilla y Leon Supercomputing Centre for the deployment of a shared Cloud technologies testbed.
Service request
This service is available for institutions of the Galician University System (SUG), CSIC centres, R&D departments of institutions and/or public or private companies; and institutions and/or companies that participate in R&D&i activities with CESGA whenever they satisfy adhesion criteria.
To request this service fill the Service request form.
Each particular case will be analysed indicating technical feasibility and costs.
Terms of use
In the following link, the acceptable use policy of RECETGA is described and it is binding for all affiliated institutions.
Service description
Multicast transport technology allows the transmission of large amounts of information in an efficient way according to communication patterns between senders and receivers following the schema of one-to-many and many-to-many, saving valuable network and system resources.
RECETGA is one of the pioneer networks to offer multicast service, being supported natively on the network for many years on all of the core routers which means that traffic sent to multicast groups is recognised and handled in a suitable manner.
Native multicast support is widely accepted and supported in a native manner on the research networks (NRENs) at an international level. Infrastructures like AccessGRID collaborative work environments or projects like Opera Oberta, in which real time transmissions of opera are transmitted from the “Liceo de Barcelona” to different universities in Spain, make use of multicast transport technology to broadcast intensive video flows to a large number of recipients/participants.
A Centre with enabled multicast support will be able to broadcast to multicast groups with regional or international scope, as well as receive multicast flows from sources located at different points of the research networks. Those centres that do not have enabled multicast support must use multicast-unicast bridges with the penalty that this implies regarding the use of network and CPU resources of the involved equipment.
Multicast support is subject to additional technical requirements of the affiliated institutions for which the availability of the service, or the improvements necessary for access, must be technically evaluated in each case.
Service request
This service is available for institutions of the Galician University System (SUG), CSIC centres, R&D departments of institutions and/or public or private companies; and institutions and/or companies that participate in R&D&i activities with CESGA whenever they satisfy adhesion criteria.
The requirements to access the multicast service are:
the institution must be affiliated with RECETGA,
the institution must have an IP connection to RECETGA, and
in case that the institution has a direct connection to RECETGA, ensure that the access operator (ISP) supports unlimited multicast traffic transport.
To request this service fill the Service request form.
Multicast service is free for centres/institutions that are affiliated with RECETGA.
Terms of use
The following link describes the acceptable use policy of RECETGA that is binding for all affiliated institutions.
Service description
The IP address is the unique identifier given to the equipment that are present on the Internet. Without these addresses, the equipment cannot communicate with each other. There are two types of IP addresses, the ones presently used by the majority, IPv4, and the new Internet routing protocol: IPv6. The number 4 or 6 identifies the protocol version.
From the beginning, CESGA has managed and assigned IPv4 addressing and, for many years, does so assigning IPv6 IP ranges to the affiliated institutions. IPv4 addressing is assigned on demand to newly affiliated centres or to those centres that, for justified reasons, need to increase their ranges of public addressing.
At a global level, the availability of IPv4 addresses is already scarce. Because of this, diverse public organisms involved are promoting the adoption of IPv6 address ranges and CESGA, being a part of this effort, offers IPv6 addressing to affiliated centres as this technology is supported on the network core.
In relation to the old IPv4 addressing, it will be assigned in accordance with needs, avoiding the hoarding of IP ranges. Users should design their networks with the objective of using the least possible public addressing. Any allocation will be valid while the original criterion expressed in the request is maintained.
Any affiliated centre connected to RECETGA has IPv4 addressing assigned directly by CESGA or requested by the particular user. In addition, affiliated centres can request IPv6 addressing for the migration of their own infrastructures to use the new protocol. The assigned routing prefixes will be provided the same services by RECETGA for the Ipv4 protocol (multicast, routing, filtering, etc.).
Service request
This service is available for institutions of the Galician University System (SUG), CSIC centres, R&D departments of institutions and/or public or private companies; and institutions and/or companies that participate in R&D activities with CESGA whenever they satisfy adhesion criteria.
To request this service fill the Service request form.
IPv6 support service is free for the centres/institutions affiliated with RECETGA.
Terms of use
The following link explains the acceptable usage policy of RECETGA and is binding for all affiliated institutions
CESGA provides advanced communications services. The Centre manages the Galician Science and Technology Network (RECETGA).
CESGA offers consulting, technical support, and training services related to advanced communications networks.
Service request
These services are available for any industry, administrations as well as for technical and scientific institutions such as those belonging to the Galician University System (SUG), and CSIC centres.
To request this service fill the Service request form.
Budgets will be provided after a careful analysis of each request.