Project Description

CloudPYME – Promoción e inserción en las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas del sector manufacturero ( PYMEs) de tec.

Period: 2011-03-01 – 2013-06-30 (24 months).

Funded by: Comisión Europea


CLOUDPYME – Promoting and inserting Open Source Software (OSS) technology in manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), for the numerical simulation and CAD / CAE through evaluation pilots in Cloud computing infrastructures, Demonstration and Evaluation.

The project’s objective is to design, set-up and test a sustainable infrastructure to support Small and Medium Enterprises of manufacturing sectors to improve its international competitiveness through the usage ofopen source software including CAD and CAE, in order to boost the design of their products and processes.

This project has been co-financed with FEDER funds through the second round of Cross-Border Cooperation Operational Programme Spain – Portugal, 2007-2013 POCTEP (0448_CLOUDPYME_1_E).

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