Project Description

Move IT – Mobilising Opportunities in Vocational Education with Innovative Technologies

Period: 2012-10-01 – 2014-09-30 (24 months).

Funded by: Comisión Europea

The MOVE IT Project (Mobilising Opportunities in Vocational Education with Innovative Technologies) will adapt and transfer an innovative, effective work based delivery methodology incorporating e-learning and mobile technology for 16-24 year olds learning in the workplace

In a climate of increased employer and government demand for workbased training, offset by reduced funding and training budgets, providers need to adopt an efficient blended learning model of delivery that combines quality of provision with cost effectiveness whilst meeting the needs of learners and employers.

This project aims to adapt an innovative work based delivery model that will include a template for developing interactive learning packages and a framework for a virtual learner support network.

This will be tested and modified by the project partners in the UK, Holland, Finland and Romania. Expertise in e-learning technology solutions will be provided by a project partner in Spain. Trainers will be trained in the delivery model, application of technology, monitoring learner performance and assessment, before testing with 16-24 year old work based learners in the land based sectors.


This is a two year project and all the products and results and will be available on the project website and a dissemination conference will be held at the end of the project in September 2014.