Project Description


Period: 2009-10-01 – 2012-10-31 (36 months).

Funded by: Xunta de Galicia

This project is a collaboration among MeteoGalicia,  Laboratorio de Sistemas da Universidade de Santiago  and CESGA.

The project aims  to develop and adapt the ROMS model (Regional Ocean Model System) to the Galician coast and make it operational. Results will be implemented by an architecture of data processing. Value-added products will be generated from the output files, following an adequate organization, management and dissemination of them.  Oceano  will comply with the guidelines of the European INSPIRE directive and also with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards.

The main objectives of the project can be summarized as follows:

  • Ensure the  quality  of the results and the daily operational model
  • Develop a data processing architecture that allows to obtain value-added products from the ROMS output files. This objective includes the creation of   multiscale and  multiresolution  graphic products. Representation will be made by WMS, WFS and WCS services through a geographic information system to comply with OGC standards.
  • Evolve the reference model by adding a more efficient coupling with other models.
  • Enhancing the hybrid parallelization of ROMS ( MPI + OpenMP ) in order to improve the model performance and to be used as a testbed for future developments.



  • Baker-Austin, Craig, Joaquin A. Trinanes, Nick G. H. Taylor, Rachel Hartnell, Anja Siitonen, and Jaime Martinez-Urtaza. 2012. “Emerging Vibrio Risk at High Latitudes in Response to Ocean Warming.” Nature Climate Change (July 22). doi:10.1038/nclimate1628.
  • Marcos Cobas Garcia, Elena Vázquez Cendón, Andrés Gómez, Breogán Hombre, Joaquín Trinanes, Carmen Cotelo, Pablo Carracedo, Pedro Costa, Manuel Ruiz Villarreal, First Approach to the application of operational 4dvar data assimilation to the ROMS model Numerical methods for hyperbolic equations: Theory and Applications pp. 4 7 2011 BVDTGH
  • Cotelo Queijo, Carmen, Andrés Gomez, and Marcos Cobas García. 2011. Data Assimilation with the ROMS Model: A First Approach. Technical Report CESGA-2011-001. Santiago de Compostela.