
/Tag: cúbits

A Hybrid and Highly Scalable Approach for the Next Generation of Quantum-Enabled Data Centers (CPDs) – I

Quantum computing represents a new paradigm in computing that is based on the properties of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations in a much more efficient and faster manner. Despite the achievements made in recent years, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed, such as scalability issues in [...]

Computador cuántico de 32 Cúbits para o CESGA

GALICIA ADQUIRE POR 13,9 M€ O COMPUTADOR CUÁNTICO MÁIS POTENTE DE ESPAÑA E UN DOS PRIMEIROS DE EUROPA A Xunta, a través da Axencia Galega de Innovación, financia esta infraestrutura, que se poñerá este ano en funcionamento no Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia. O Goberno galego reforza así a súa aposta pola transición dixital do [...]

2023-09-22T09:04:31+02:002/3/2023|Categories: Novas|Tags: , , , |