Project Description


Period: 2006-10-03 – 2012-04-30 (60 months).

Funded by: Ministerio ID

I Ingenio MATHEMATICA (i-MATH) is a CONSOLIDER singular research project for the period 2006-2011. It proposes a complete activity research program for Spanish mathematics, with the purpose of promoting and carrying out strategic actions of national scope that qualitatively and quantitatively increase mathematical presence on the international scene, and in the Spanish system of science, technology and business and on the international scene.
i-MATH is an initiative promoted and financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science with a budget of 7,500,000 €. i-MATH is a network structured around a coordinator-researcher (Marco Antonio López Cerdá), a management center (University of Cantabria), a steering commitee (SC), five nodes (CESGA, CIEM, CRM, ICMAT and IMUB) and more than 300 principal researchers (PRs) and their research groups.

The CESGA node is devoted to the achievement of activities aimed at transferring mathematical knowledge to the productive sector, promoting the use of mathematical methods and techniques in industry and companies in general, the management of environmental issues, etc, as well as research into areas of interest in technological development.

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The node is constituted through the collaboration with CESGA, as administrative head office and coordinator of the node, and the participating research groups from the Galician universities, with extensive experience in the mathematical knowledge transference to companies.