Project Description

RETELAB – Un Laboratorio Virtual para la Red Nacional de Teledetección Oceanográfica.

Period: 2006-10-11 – 2009-03-30 (36 months).

Funded by: Ministerio ID

RETELAB born with the aim of providing the structure and architecture of a collaborative work environment and income distribution that constitutes a virtual laboratory as a necessary framework for the development of interdisciplinary research projects related to oceanographic remote sensing.

Retelab is a virtual laboratory for the Oceanographic research community. It is supported by a Grid infrastructure and its main objective is to provide an easy and useful tool for oceanographers, where computer skills are not an obstacle.  The Virtual Laboratory has been tested by the implementation and deployment of several oceanographic applications.


The project has resulted in a number of publications in conferences and journals, which described the project and its results:

Carmen Cotelo, Andrés Gómez, J. Ignacio López, David Mera, José M. Cotos, J. Pérez Marrero, Constantino Vazquez, Retelab: A geospatial grid web laboratory for the oceanographic research community, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 26, Issue 8, October 2010, Pages 1157-1164, ISSN 0167-739X, DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2010.05.018.
D. Mera, J. M. Cotos, C. Cotelo, Y. Sagarminaga, J. Pérez, “Desarrollo e Implementación de un Laboratorio Virtual para la Teledetección Oceanográfica basado en Grid”, XIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección(AET09), Calatayud 23-26 Septiembre, 2009.
David Mera, José M. Cotos, José Varela, Carmen Cotelo and J. Ignacio López, “An Integration of Several Technologies in the Architecture Definition and Deploymentof a Geospatial Grid Web Portal”, The 2009 International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications (GCA’09), pp. 86-91, Las Vegas July 13-16, 2009.
Andrés Gómez Tato, Carmen Cotelo Queijo, J. Ignacio López Cabido and David Mera Pérez. ”Metaschedulers in the environment of eScience portals: a case study with GridWay”. EGEE’09 conference, 21-25 September 2009. Barcelona, Spain.
David Mera, José Manuel Cotos, Joaquín A. Trinanes, Carmen Cotelo:” An Integrated Solution to Store, Manage and Work with Datasets Focused on Metadata in the Retelab Grid Project”. IWANN (2) 2009: 491-494.
Carmen Cotelo Queijo, Andrés Gómez Tato, J. Ignacio López Cabido and David Mera Pérez. ”Metaschedulers in the environment of eScience portals: a case study with GridWay”, 3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings, Eds, Vicente Hernández García, Gaspar Barreira, Ignacio Blanquer Espert and Jorge Gomes, pp 410-419, ISBN 978-84-9745-406-3, 2009.
David Mera, José M. Cotos, José R. R. Viqueira and Carmen Cotelo. ”Software Integration in the Development of a Spatial Data Grid Prototype based on Metadata”, 3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings, Eds, Vicente Hernández García, Gaspar Barreira, Ignacio Blanquer Espert and Jorge Gomes, pp 305-314, ISBN 978-84-9745-406-3, 2009.
C. Cotelo, A. Gómez, I. López and J. M. Cotos. “Adapting ROMS to Execute on GRID Using a Hybrid Parallelization Model”. The Second International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP 2008),Sept. 29 2008-Oct. 4 2008, pp. 57-62
David Mera, José M. Cotos, José R.R Viqueira and Jos,e Varela.”A User Management Web System Based on Portlets for a Grid Environment Integrating Shibboleth, PURSe, PERMIS and Gridsphere.” Advances in Soft Computing, International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2008, Ed. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. pp.38-46, (2008).
David Mera, José M. Cotos, Pedro Saco, Andrés Gómez. ”An integrated Solution to the Security User Access in the RETELAB Grid Project, using a Web System based on Portlets and a RBAC Model by means of User Attribute Certificates and PKI”, 2nd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings,Eds, Fernando Silva, Gaspar Barreira and Ligia Ribeiro, pp 296-307, ISBN 978-84-9745-288-5, 2008.
Y. Sagarminaga, J. Pérez, I. López, J. M. Cotos. ”RETELAB: Desarrollo de un laboratorio Virtual”, XII Congreso Nacional de Teledetección. Libro de Actas “Teledetección: Hacia un mejor entendimiento de la dinámica global y regional”, pp. 391-398, ISBN 978-987-543-126-3, 2007.


“Galicia genera un laboratorio virtual para predecir la evolución de vertidos.” Faro de Vigo. 03/03/200. (358KB)
“Investigadores de Santiago trabajan en desarrollar un laboratorio virtual de oceanografía.” La Voz de Galicia. 03/03/2009. (468KB)
“Un laboratorio virtual para os oceanógrafos.” Galicia Hoxe. 03/03/2009. (365KB)
“Investigadores gallegos trabajan en el desarrollo de un laboratorio virtual para la Red Nacional de Teledetección Oceanográfica.” SINC – Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas. 03/03/2009. (545KB)
“Investigadores da USC e do CESGA configuran un laboratorio virtual oceanográfico” El Progreso. 08/03/2009. (614KB)
A USC traballa no “laboratorio virtual”. Diario de Pontevedra. 04/03/2009. (321KB)
“Investigadores da USC traballan nun laboratorio virtual para que expertos en oceanografía compartan datos”. Europa Press. 02/03/2009. (293KB)
“Investigadores de la USC y del CESGA están desarrollando un laboratorio virtual para la Red Nacional de Teledetección Oceanográfica”. AGN – Axenda Galega de Noticias. 02/03/2009. (131KB)