/Tag: NISQ

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – IV

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – III

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – II

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – I

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

NEASQC: Avances en Algoritmia Cuántica

CESGA participa no proxecto  NEASQC (NExt ApplicationS of Quantum Computing) que axunta a expertos académicos e a usuarios finais industriais para investigar e desenvolver novas aplicacións capaces de explotar as tecnoloxías cuánticas e que poderán beneficiarse de sistemas NISQ (Noise Intermediate-Scale Quantum) nun futuro próximo. O proxecto NEASQC está dirixido por casos de uso e [...]

Webinarios NEASQC: Computación Cuántica

Computación Cuántica para o mundo real: avances actuais Ruido mediático? Demasiado márketing ao redor de Quantum e, especificamente, a Computación cuántica? Que hai realmente detrás de todas estas mensaxes? Necesitas unha información veraz e útil? Pregúntasche se algunhas das túas aplicacións actuais xa poderían beneficiarse de Quantum Computing na era NISQ (Noisy  intermediate- scale  quantum)? [...]

2023-09-21T13:53:04+02:005/10/2021|Categories: Novas|Tags: , , , , , |