/Tag: QC

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – IV

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – III

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – II

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Evaluating the performance of a quantum computer – I

The Computer Architecture Group at UDC and CESGA are developing a proposal focused on assessing the performance of quantum computers in executing applications, based on identifying tasks that are common to multiple quantum computing applications. The purchase of a quantum computer represents an investment of several million euros. However, evaluating which quantum computer performs best [...]

Nova Unidade Asociada CSIC – CESGA

O CSIC atribúe a condición de Unidade Asociada a “Optimización computacional en bioloxía de sistemas”, da Fundación CESGA Centrará o seu labor, durante o próximos tres anos, en resolver problemas de optimización a gran escala en bioloxía de sistemas mediante computación de alto rendemento, computación cuántica ou sistemas híbridos que combinen ambas, explotando as sinerxias [...]