/Tag: HPC

O Máster HPC Abre o período de Matrícula

O próximo curso 2020/2021, a Universidade da Coruña (UDC) e a  Universidade de Santiago (USC), en colaboración co Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) continuarán ofertando o Máster en Computación de Altas Prestacións (Máster  HPC). O Máster consta de 60 créditos, así que a súa duración é dun só curso académico. O Máster pode ser [...]

Novo Supercomputador no 2021

O Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) investirá 7 millóns de euros no Finisterrae III, un novo supercomputador que multiplicará por seis a capacidade de cálculo do actual Finisterrae II, ao tempo que proporcionará servizos de almacenamento de moi alta capacidade, reforzando así o servizo de vangarda que o centro presta aos investigadores e á [...]

2023-09-21T11:13:36+02:008/6/2020|Categories: Novas|Tags: , , |

Integrating Neural Network Parallel Training using Tensorflow with SLURM

One of the most powerful characteristics of Google API for Machine Learning TensorFlow is its capability for distributed computation that allow users to automatically distribute the training process in different computing machines. Despite the fact that the implementation of these characteristics is relatively straightforward, their deployment in a typical High Performance Infrastructure based on queue [...]

2023-10-31T11:52:16+02:0020/9/2018|Tags: , , , |

Hyper-parametric search using HPC infrastructures for Tensorflow

This internal technical document reports the hyper-parametric search for the proposed Neural Network model using Tensorflow and Finis Terrae II. The NN model helps to manage the process of Laser Metal Deposition based on the thermal images from a thermal camera attached to the laser header that record a complete process. This case is an [...]

2020-03-12T12:19:05+02:007/9/2017|Tags: , , , |